The Candidates’ Next Stop Is New Hampshire
By Christina Winske — 12/31/11
Win or lose every candidate is going to New Hampshire. Six presidential hopefuls have been traveling Iowa speaking at local businesses, churches, and even parking lots along the way. No matter what happens on caucus night Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, and Michele Bachmann have all confirmed they’ll be in the Granite State next week for the primary.
“We’re going there Wednesday morning, ads on Monday,” Santorum said at recent meet and greet.
Romney is leaving Wednesday morning too. He’s expected to leave shortly after the morning shows interview the winning candidate. This could indicate that Romney believes he will be the winner. However, New Gingrich isn’t so confident. His flight leaves Tuesday night. Gingrich appears to be planning a quick escape after the winner is announced.
Bachmann is trying to stay a step ahead. She’s already thinking past New Hampshire. “We go there next. I’ve been there quite a few times. We go there as soon as we finish, here in Iowa, and then on to South Carolina.”
South Carolina is also on Romney’s calendar, but for now, he is staying focused on New Hampshire where he is strongly considered the front runner. Romney is even getting some help from his wife and children. Ann Romney told a crowd in Ames that her sons were contributing to campaign efforts.
“Four of my five sons are in New Hampshire holding down the fort while we’re here in Iowa,” she said.
Although they didn’t come to Iowa, candidates Jon Huntsman and Buddy Roemer will be in New Hampshire where residents will vote in the first primary in the nation on January 10th.