Social Media Play A Decisive Election Role

By Vitalii Moroz 11-6-2012 

Both President Barack Obama and former Governor Mitt Romney fought for voters by using the internet and social media..

One hundred and twenty people work in Romney’s digital rapid response department located in the Republican candidate’s central headquarters in Boston.

Zac Moffatt leads the team which is responsible for implementing the social media strategy as well as email and text message marketing and online advertising.

Moffatt says six million people are connected to Romney’s campaign via social media sites. Romney’s officlai Twitter account has almost 1.7 million followers.

President Obama’s Twitter account has six times more followers as Romney’s, about 20 million.

For this campaign, President Obama brought back his key social media  players from 2008. They included chief digital strategist Joe Rospars, and chief integration and innovation officer Michael Slaby.

Several times Mr. Obama’s social media team grabbed national attention. For instance, more than 200,000 users followed the President’s  Q&A session on Reddit, a popular social media site.