No Indictment Decision for Officer Darren Wilson Results in Violent Protests
By Melanie Camacho 11-26-14
The nation and world watched Monday night’s coverage of the grand jury’s decision in refraining from indicting white police officer, Darren Wilson, of Feruson, Missouri.
Riots and violent protests have ensued ever since the day the officer shot 18 year old Michael Brown on August 9th, but have especially been abrupt since the decision.
According to The Associated Press, over sixty-one people were arrested in Ferguson on multiple charges such as burglary and trespassing after the grand jury’s decision was released.
What we saw tonight was much worse than what we saw any night in August. Bricks were thrown at police officers,…
— St. Louis County PD (@stlcountypd) November 25, 2014
St. Louis’s County Police Department released a comment via Twitter stating “Bricks thrown at police, 2 police cars burned, gun seized by police. Tonight was disappointing” referring to Tuesday’s early morning chaos.” and “What we saw tonight was much worse than what we saw nay night in August. Bricks were thrown at police officers…” Additionally six business offices were set on fire and firefighters remained neutral as gunfires went off- rendering dangerous places for the firefighters to do their job.
Protesters are flooding streets across the U.S. as #Ferguson dismay spreads coast to coast: — CNN (@CNN) November 26, 2014
Not all Americans are replying to the decision with violence.
Outside of the White House, nearly 300 people gathered for a peaceful demonstration chanting “black lives matter”-with some holding signs.
As one of the controversial cases in the past couple of years, many are believe racism is not a dead topic in American society because of these recent events.