GOP Congressman says a woman needs to be told when she’s nasty

By Emma Sinn 10/21/16

Republican Rep. Brian Babin from Texas responded to Trump calling Clinton a “nasty woman” by saying “sometimes a lady needs to be told when she’s being nasty.” This comment came on Thursday after the third and final presidential debate where Trump made the original comment.

Trump made his comment while Clinton was answering a question about social security and Medicare towards the end of the debate. The comment not only prompted Babin to respond in agreement with Trump but also #nastywoman to go viral.

Trump’s comment also prompted steams of Janet Jackson’s “Nasty” to spike 250% on the music app Spotify’s twitter page.

Jackson’s song made the adjective nasty to be “a kind of shorthand for women having to deal with disrespectful men.”

The combination of Jackson’s song and Trump’s comment have many Clinton supporters (rather than those opposing her) using “Nasty” to describe Clinton.

Babin’s comment plays into the bigger picture of the treatment of women. Babin’s statement along with the Access Hollywood video of Trump both focus on the gender as a whole instead of individual women.

There has been no significant change in Trump’s supporters following this comment.