Elizabeth Warren decides to run for a third term
3/27/23 by Jeff Grundy
Massachusetts Democrat Elizabeth Warren announced on Monday her decision to run for a third term in the Senate. Warren, in a video posted to social media, chose to echo her previous statements on issues like passing a wealth tax, making child care affordable, and a call to create legislation to “put stricter rules on banks so they don’t crash and hurt working people.”
This announcement puts to bed many of the rumors around another potential Warren bid for the presidency. It also confirms that the 73 year old will not be stepping away from the political arena.
While Warren has nation-wide recognition and a history of fundraising, she currently only has 2.3 million cash on-hand. Remarkably lower than fellow Democratic senators, like New York’s Kirsten Gillibrand or Connecticut’s Chris Murphy.
While there is currently no Republican challenger for the seat, and with a fractured Massachusetts Republican party, the search for someone to contest Warren will be underway.
“I first ran for Senate because I saw how the system is rigged for the rich and powerful and against everyone else. I won because Massachusetts voters know it, too,” Warren said in an online statement, “and now I’m running for Senate again because there’s a lot more we’ve got to do.”