Sumner Tunnel completely opens after years of construction

By Vivienne Felber

On Monday, the Massachusetts Department of Transportations officially announced the Sumner Tunnel’s final weekend of closure, after almost two years of on-and-off closures due to construction for improvements.

While construction was supposed to continue until the first part of November with five more weekend closures, MassDOT has decided to finish the remaining improvements during “normal off-peak operations,” said in a statement from MassDOT.

The repairs for the tunnel, while significant, lasted for two-month-long summer closures and 59 weekends. The improvements consisted of repairing the tunnel ceiling, roadway, walls, wiring, and drainage. MassDOT clarified that the improvements that were done to the tunnel extended the tunnel’s life by 75 years.

MassDOT Secretary and CEO Monica Tibbits-Nutt explained how important it was to make these improvements to the tunnel as it is a “vital piece of infrastructure.” However, she does issue an apology stating, “We know this project created inconveniences for the public and particularly the people of East Boston. We thank them for their patience and cooperation.”