
Melania says Trump was “egged on”

By Philip Noble
Melania Trump has asserted that recent allegations of sexual assault against her husband are false, and dismissed his comments on a leaked tape from 2005 where he explicitly describes groping and kissing women without their consent as “boy talk.”

Warren and Sanders unite against Trump

By Rafael Trujillo
Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders campaigned for Hillary Clinton in Denver this past Sunday. Their appearance strives for college students to vote for Clinton, specially Sanders whose campaign in the Democratic primaries heavily relied on millennials.

Trump claims the election is rigged

By Annika Fagerholm
Republican candidate Donald Trump repeated his claim that the presidential election is rigged creating an even bigger divide in the GOP.

Trump faces more groping allegations

By Emma Sinn
More women have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them following the 2005 Access Hollywood video with Billy Bush.

Paul Ryan fires at Democratic agenda, avoids mention of Trump

By Kayla LaRosa
House Speaker Paul Ryan made his goals for the rest of the 2016 election cycle clear when addressing a group of college Republicans this Friday–to keep the GOP in control of congress and stop the Democrats from “pursuing a government heavy agenda for elites.”