Rubio, Kaine Aim to Curb Anti-Semitism In Europe
By Philip J. Noble
U.S. Senators Tim Kaine and Marco Rubio have crossed the political aisle to introduce a bill that aims to combat growing anti-semitism, both at home and abroad.
By Philip J. Noble
U.S. Senators Tim Kaine and Marco Rubio have crossed the political aisle to introduce a bill that aims to combat growing anti-semitism, both at home and abroad.
By Priscilla Liguori
Massachusetts may soon require drivers to use hands-free devices while using cell phones. Both the House and the Senate’s bills requiring hands-free devices are picking up momentum in the legislature.
By Priscilla Liguori
The Massachusetts Special Legislative Commission on Postpartum Depression announced that a subcommittee has been created to make sure its goal of screening women for PPD does not become part of the already existing health disparity.
By Samantha Avalos
President Barack Obama has vetoed legislation that Congress hoped would repeal the Affordable Care Act and defund Planned Parenthood.
By Dominque Banas
Three strikes and you’re out. Three-hundred protestors are using this baseball terms to describe a new crime bill. The Massachusetts bill states that if you commit 3 felonies, you would be in prison for life.