President Barack Obama had a friend in New Hampshire — James Taylor

By Amy Hansen 10-27-2012  

James Taylor performed nine of his popular songs this afternoon in honor or President Obama.  The singer sang outside a Nashua, New Hampshire middle school before the President addressed the crowd.

Taylor wasn’t the only one warming up the estimated 8,500 members of the already energetic crowd before the President took the stage. Senator Jeanne Shaheen, D-NH, talked about the importance of getting Granite State voters to back Mr. Obama’s views on women’s issues.

“Women here have been hearing from Mitt Romney for a very long time,” Shaheen said as loud jeers were heard from the audience. “You know what the President says– don’t boo, vote!”

Barack Obama hit the stage and urged the swing state audience to vote in his tight presidential race against former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.

   “Ten days and you‘ll be stepping into a voting booth and making a defining choice about the future of our country ,” Mr. Obama said.  “Not just the choice between two candidates or two political parties, it is a choice between two fundamentally different visions for America.”

President Obama explained his vision for America. His outline included specific points such as cutting the national deficit by four trillion dollars over the next ten years, adding 100,000 teachers to the nation‘s schools, and refusing to turn Medicare into a voucher system.

“We can’t afford to go back to the policies that got us into this mess,” Mr. Obama said. “We’ve got to continue with the policies that are getting out of the mess, we’ve got to move forward.”

After his talk the President spent 20 minutes mingling with the crowd. Later he stopped to chat with local residents at a Merrimack restaurant before boarding an Air Force One flight bound for Andrews Air Force base.

Hurricane Sandy has caused the President to cancel several upcoming campaign appearances.