Warren Gets Civil Rights Support At RCC Rally

By Jean Merlain 11-3-2012  

Civil Rights leader Congressman John Lewis came to Boston today to support Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren.  Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick joined them at the Reggie Lewis Center on the Roxbury Community College campus.

Lewis recalled his experience marching with Martin Luther King Jr. during the civil rights movement and visiting President John F. Kennedy in the oval office of the White House in 1963 to discuss the movement.

He also talked about the late Senator Ted Kennedy. ” I knew your late senator.  He was my friend, he was my brother. “ Lewis said. “We need from this state, a senator in the tradition of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, in the tradition of Ted Kennedy. You have an opportunity, you have an obligation to stand with Elizabeth Warren for United State Senate.”

Elizabeth Warren is a Harvard Law School professor aiming to unseat Republican Senator Scott Brown who won the election in 2010 taking over the seat of late Senator Edward Kennedy who died in 2009. The race has become one of the highest profiled senatorial races in the country.

“I loved this, I love being here with you and I love being here with John Lewis” Warren said.  She promised hum that the memories he carried in his heart she would carry in hers.

“We are down to it now in this race, we worked hard together to get here, and now we know what this is about,” she said.

Warren told her crowd to get like-minded people out and vote on Tuesday.  She told them that Republican incumbent Scott Brown’s voting record has not been bipartisan as he has claimed  since he has voted against three Democratic Jobs bill.

Earlier Governor Patrick told the crowd that “I am voting for political courage… the President needs courageous partners. Who will stand against the effort to repeal Obamacare, voucherize Medicare, and let big money run your government? Elizabeth Warren will. Who will bring political courage alongside the President’s political courage? Elizabeth Warren will.”