Voters shocked at Mass Senate results

By Amy Hansen 11-6-2012  

And that’s a wrap, folks.

The mood of the crowd gathered at Scott Brown’s election night headquarters at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel shifted from enthusiastic to disappointed as supporters watched the Republican senator loose his re-election bid to Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren Tuesday evening.

“This is more surprising than the presidential race,” said David Daoud, 23, of Brighton as he stared blankly at a big-screen TV that flashed results.  “I thought Scott Brown had lived up to his promises. I guess that wasn’t enough.”

The crowd’s energy had a noticeable shift as the results started coming in.  A band played, but people stopped dancing. No official decision had been called when a long line started forming at the coat check as people began to leave the free event.

South Boston resident Ryan Brady shook his head and shrugged his shoulders as he stood waiting for the official word that Brown had lost. Rumors of a Warren victory started coming in at about 10 p.m.

“I’m not surprised,” the 26-year-old said. “But it seems like they called it pretty early. People generally vote along party lines. This is not indicative of Scott Brown. Scott Brown is the better candidate and he has done wonderful things.”

Brown took the stage for his concession speech at about 10:35 p.m. The crowd became more enthusiastic as he spoke. Cheers of “Go, Scott, Go” and applause peppered his 20-minute remarks.

“I asked for a lot of help from each and every one of you and I could not be more proud of each and every one of you,” Brown told his supporters. “I came this far on the strength of thousands.”

A handful of audience members stayed mingling long after Brown had conceded the race. Some seemed to just be enjoying the atmosphere—and the large buffet spreads of free food.

“Either way, just the experience to be here is great,” said Chris Fielding, 31, of South Boston.  “I’ve never done anything like this in my life.”