C-SPAN’s Steve Scully Says Social Media Is Where It’s At

By Ariana Sandillo 1-18-2013


C-SPAN’s Steve Scully talks about social media. WEBN Staff photo

Twitter is not just an online social diary. It’s a conversation starter.

“You have to embrace social media because it allows people to express their point of view,” said C-SPAN political editor and host of “Washington Journal,” Steve Scully.

President Barack Obama’s second inauguration is just days away so Scully says Twitter is the go to place for instant political news.


“I think Twitter is that instantaneous news feed. It allows you to, we all know, share ideas in 140 characters or less and it’s instantaneous.”

Others agree. Danielle Olivero is a student at Quinnipiac University. She is participating in a week long Inaugural Seminar hosted by The Washington Center and she says Twitter is her source for all inaugural news.

“I think it has give people here at least, information on how to obtain tickets, where to go, contact your representatives.”

Social media use has blown up since President Obama’s last inauguration four years ago. More people are connecting online.

Tony Cerise is the director for academic seminars for The Washington Center. He’s been living in DC for over ten years and he’s seen a change in the way people approach social media when it comes to political events.

“When I was here in 2005 for President Bush’s second inaugural and 2009 for President  Obama’s first inaugural, the difference in just those four years was amazing. Just friends and classmates posting their thoughts and whatever on Facebook back then, and now you’re seeing a little more of that on Twitter,” said Cerise.

Scully says everyone should get on board.

“It’s here to stay. It’s part of our culture. It gives everyone the chance to express their point of view, to share their ideas, to talk about issues or pop culture. Whatever it is that you want to embrace.”