One Boston Woman Sees The 2nd Amendment As A Female Issue
By Pamela Cyran 1-19-2013

WEBN staff photo
“Rapists prefer unarmed women” was painted on Ana Avramidis’ sign outside
Avramidis joined about 1,000 Second Amendment supporters to protect her right to carry.the State House in Boston. She was there to demonstrate for National Gun Appreciation Day.
“Everyone who’s not a felon should be able to carry, especially women,” said Avramidis who is 35 years old. “We’re at a natural disadvantage to defend ourselves.”
Avramidis took the necessary steps to carry a gun legally and protect herself from predators, including proper gun training. To her, martial arts and self-defense classes were not enough.
“The average man could still kick the [ ** ] out of me. A gun is just an equalizer,” she said.