Postal Service Resumes Delivery Tomorrow

WEBN Staff Photo
By Mike Saccone 2-10-2013
“Neither rain nor snow nor gloom of night can stay these messengers about their duty.” It’s the mail carrier’s motto but it doesn’t make any mention of a blizzard.
As this weekend’s storm has shown us, blizzards can stop your letters from reaching your mailbox.
The United States Postal Service says mail delivery will resume tomorrow. Mail delivery was suspended over the weekend in all six New England states because of the snowstorm.
Postal Service spokeswoman Christine Dugas says mail will be delivered as long as it is safe to do so. Some roads may be not be passable, especially in rural areas says Dugas.
Customers are asked to clear their mailboxes and walkways to prevent the carriers from slips, trips and falls.
Mail delivery was suspended yesterday in all six New England states: Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island.