Candidate Maisano is Not a Politician

By Meghan Allen 10-09-13


Image/ WEBN-Boston Staff

Paul John Maisano is hoping to become the Congressman from the fifth district. And if there’s one thing he wants his potential voters to know about him, it’s that he is not a politician.

Maisano is a businessman and a part of the private sector. However, even as a private citizen, Paul has participated in politics. Numerous times he has testified on Beacon Hill in an effort to protect Massachusetts consumers against unethical home improvement firms, as well as testified for affordable housing in local communities. As a man not too fond of labels, he reluctantly calls himself a moderate Democrat, being fiscally conservative and socially liberal.

The economy and jobs are his number one concern. He wants tax incentives for start-up companies employing citizens to manufacture American made products. He says jobs are necessary to rebuild the economy.

Immigration is also a large concern because his father was an Italian immigrant. He himself was born and raised in Somerville, Massachusetts. Maisano plans to create legislation to document all individuals within our borders, making the pathway to citizenship only available to those who are documented.

Maisano has built his campaign around the idea that he isn’t just another politician; he wants to go Washington and represent his people.

“Send me to Washington and I’ll work hard for you. And I can promise you one thing, I’m not going there to fight,” said Maisano.

The Congressional primary is Tuesday, October 15.