Sustainable Fashion Collaborative Showcases Eco-Friendly Designs

By Samantha LeComte 10-7-13

In honor of Boston Fashion Week, Sustainable Fashion Collaborative, SFC, launched its first ever showcase of eco-friendly designs.

SFC was founded this year to create a community of designers, retailers, consumers, and thought-leaders who work to provoke the idea of moral and ethical fashion.  It also stresses what it means to be a conscious consumer.

EVENINGThe collaborative’s showcase opened this week at the Urbano Project in Jamaica Plain with an exhibition featuring the work of seven Boston-based eco-fashion designers: Amy Plante, Avni Trivedi, Carlos Villamil, Ellen Shea, GeorgAnnette Chatterly, Lallitara, and MULXIPLY.
Jennifer Varekamp founded SFC.  Her plan was to launch a platform to support young designers or designers already working in an eco-conscious way that educates consumers.

“We knew that we wanted to try to launch it during Boston Fashion Week and we thought, well, an exhibition would be a great way to feature designers that were not only using different styles and aesthetics but also using different methods of being sustainable. We wanted to show people that there’s not only one way to be eco-friendly, that you can be elegant or urban or goth or punk… and still be sustainable.”

Each design is made from recycled materials and accompanying them are plaques explaining the impact that the fashion industry has on the environment. One plaque reads: “Feeding, clothing, and providing shelter for our current population requires 1.5 Earths. How will we provide for more than two billion more people than there are today?”

Designer Ellen Shea hopes the exhibit will help consumers realize the impact of their actions.

“If the everyday consumer starts consciously linking their purchases to the consumption of Earth’s limited resources, and takes responsibility for their resource consumption, we may be able to live as a sustainable society,” said Shea.