Massachusetts Company Has Plans for Natural Gas Power in New Hampshire

By Brianna Bigelow  03-10-14


Plans are on the table in Groveton, New Hampshire, to convert part of the North Country paper mill into a transfer station for natural gas. This new station would create more than 80 jobs in the area, and decrease the town’s tax bills by half.

Clear Energy of Marlborough, Massachusetts, is looking to make these developments. This energy expansion company recently made a pitch to the town to convert a section of the old paper plant into a transfer station. The new station would convert natural gas into liquified natural gas. This new resource should be available for shipping throughout southern New England.

The station itself would create 40 jobs, according to Evan Coleman, a spokesperson for Clear Energy. In addition to that, the increased demand for truckers to transport the liquified natural gas would also lead to an increase in jobs.
“The positions would not require previous experience,” said Coleman. The news jobs would be open to all and minimum wage would be $19 per hour, offering financial support for those in serious need.If approved, this natural gas power plant would create enough energy to sustain itself and sell fuel to the regional power grid during heavy demand periods.

For locals, approval shouldn’t be hard to come by. When the paper mill initially closed in 2007, more than 300 jobs were terminated. More work opportunities will help support the desperate town.

The goal for the new facility is to have it up and running in 2015.