Terrorists attack Paris, 127 dead

franceBy Lindsay Perdue 11/14/2015
Islamic State group ISIS is taking full responsibility for yesterday’s horrific terrorist attacks on Paris, claiming the attacks are “the first of the storm.”

The investigation following the attacks moved to Belgium as authorities are making several arrests there. The multiple arrests come after France’s President Francois Hollande promised a “merciless” response to the terrorist attacks, describing the assault made by ISIS as an act of war on France.

The attacks left over 350 injured, and 129 dead. At least one US victim is confirmed dead. The U.S victim was 23-year old Nohemi Gonzalez, a senior studying design in Paris while enrolled at California State University, Long Beach. The university confirmed its other 16 students that are studying in Paris are safe.

At least seven locations in Paris were targeted by ISIS, French officials confirmed. The terrorist attacks took place in at least seven locations. Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said the seven gunmen involved in the attacks all wore suicide vests. All attackers were either killed by detonating their vests or were shot by police, Molins said.

France remains a state of emergency while officials are urging people to stay home, saying they are not sure if there are any more attackers on the loose.

French authorities released a number for people looking for missing loved ones: +33 (0)1 40 27 40 27.

There is also a special number for tourists: 0033(0)1 45 55 80 00.