Mayor Walsh Calls for More School Funding in State of City Address

Mayor Marty Walsh used his second State of the City address Tuesday night to highlight many of his accomplishments over the last year. He also laid out a plan for furthering his goals moving forward.
“A year ago I stood on this stage and invited you to help build a thriving, healthy, and innovative future for our city. We are creating that vision together, in Imagine Boston 2030, our first citywide plan in 50 years,” he said, “And we are making it a reality, by achieving the goals we set last year.”
However, some of his proposals, specifically budget cuts in the schools, have faced opposition with protesters standing outside Symphony Hall.
“To be honest, I voted for Walsh. If I knew that would mean nine of my colleagues would be forced to leave, I’d reconsider that vote,” said Banjineh Browne, a teacher at the Boston Community Leadership Academy. “Education should be the No. 1 concern. Everybody in there has been to school.”
Walsh called on the state Legislature to fund an expanded pre-K program to close the achievement gap, as well as hiring a new superintendent and new principals; but those protesting outside Symphony Hall are still opposed to any school budget cuts.