Candidates Grapple for Votes in the Wake of Super Tuesday

By Jackson Cote 2/29/2016

Courtesy: Donkey Hotey - Flickr

Courtesy: Donkey Hotey – Flickr

Republican Presidential candidates are clashing as they enter Super Tuesday, where they will vie in the primaries for Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont and Virginia. Democratic candidates will compete in the same states with the exception of Alaska, also fighting for Colorado and American Samoa and it looks like Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will come out on top.

A CNN/ORC poll released Monday shows Trump at 49 percent in the republican race, with candidates Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz lagging behind at 16 and 15 percent respectively. The same poll shows candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders at 55 percent and 38 percent respectively

Members of the GOP are turning to Florida Senator Marco Rubio as the candidate most capable of beating Trump. Rubio has failed to win a single state in the race however, while Trump has won three of the four states whose primaries have already undergone: New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada.

Many are submitting defeat to the billionaire real-estate mogul already, expecting him to win the Republican nomination. Ohio Governor and 4th place republican candidate, John Kasich, stated in an interview, “Nobody’s going to win but Trump.”

Clinton meanwhile, is expected to dominate the Democratic race against Sanders, especially after the recent Democratic South Carolina Primary, where Clinton drew in a huge win against Sander, obtaining 74 percent of the vote, against Sander’s 26.

Republicans are fighting for a total of 595 Republican delegates and 1,237 are needed to win the GOP nomination, while the Democrats will vie for 865; 2,383 delegates however, are needed to win.