Snapchat Day Around the MLB

DSC_1017Bradenton, FL- Major League Baseball is constantly looking for ways to reach out to it’s younger fan base and today it’s joining forces with one of their favorite apps, Snapchat.


For the first time ever, teams from around the MLB will be adding their Snapchat videos to one leaguewide story for all fans to enjoy with their new initiative know as Snapchat Day. Pirates Social Media Director Terry Rodgers is excited to see how it turns out.


“We are going to try to go around and get some unique content, interactions with the guys, stuff like that. Our guys are great, so today should be pretty fun,” says Rodgers.


Teams have their own Snapchat accounts that they post videos and photos to regularly. Most of the time, the MLB will have people at specific games and do Snapchat updates in (delete word) between innings, but today they are spreading their wings to try to push out as much content as possible. If the initiative is received well, Rodgers thinks it could definitely become a mainstay.


He says, “Our fans love to interact with the guys and see the guys in different lights and get up close and personal with them. We have that access, so it should be a lot of fun and hopefully it’s something that really takes off and we are able to do it continually this season.”