Trump Goes on the Offensive in the Aftermath of Monday’s Debate

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By Autumn Pattison 10/3/16

The Trump campaign, struggling to right itself following Monday’s debate, has released a barrage of attacks on Hillary Clinton this week that aim to decrease her popularity among female voters. Trump vowed to “be nastier than she ever can be,” and has decided to divert attention away from the debate.

Trump has repeatedly referenced Bill Clinton’s infidelity, saying Hillary was an “enabler,” and that he thinks it’s a “serious problem” for the Clintons. When asked about his own infidelity, Mr. Trump said “I don’t talk about it.” The Trump campaign has also condemned Clinton’s recruitment of 1996 Miss Universe Alicia Machado, whom Trump allegedly called “Miss Piggy” and “Miss Housekeeping.”

Machado has joined Clinton’s campaign denouncing Trump’s comments about women. Trump took to Twitter on Friday to discourage his followers from believing what Machado was saying about him, describing his negative experiences with her. He also alluded to a sex tape featuring Machado, which has not been found yet.

In a New York Times interview, Trump revealed that he disagreed with Clinton’s presentation of Machado, saying she was the “opposite” of a Girl Scout, despite what the Clinton campaign makes her look like. Trump went on to say he was “disgusted” by Clinton’s tactics, and promised to come back stronger during the next debate, citing audio issues as the reason for his lack of focus.

At the debate Monday night, Trump stated that he would support a Clinton presidency, but when asked about this in his interview with the Times, he stated that “We’re going to have to see.”