Trump Refuses to Accept Debate Defeat

By Elizabeth Northey 10/3/16 

Republican candidate Donald Trump is outraged at allies who agree with multiple media sources that he lost Monday’s first Presidential debate. He has made it clear from a conference call held on Wednesday that allies persuaded him to use different tactics in preparing for this debate. These are practices that Trump wishes to halt. Mr. Trump expects that his supporters will support him and his opinion that he won the debate.


Trump tried to justify his performance at a campaign event in Florida on Tuesday night, and told a crowd of supporters that he was “holding back”. He also claimed that he “didn’t want to do anything to embarrass her (Hillary)”. Advisors from the Trump staff confirm that Trump had points prepared to refute many of Hillary Clinton’s claims, but few of them were used in the actual debate. His advisors are confident that their points will be used in upcoming debates as they have made Trump more aware that it is in his best interest to use them.


One advisor is noted for stating that this debate is one of the best things that have happened to Trump’s campaign. Trump used non-conventional debate tactics such as attacking claims with brash and simplistic diction rather than responding with established counter statements. One example being Trump repeatedly interrupting Clinton by saying “wrong” in response to her claim that he supported the Iraq War. This kind of diction separates Trump as a political outsider as opposed to Clinton who has been in the spotlight for almost three decades.