Paul Ryan fires at Democratic agenda, avoids mention of Trump

By Kayla LaRosa 10/14/16

House Speaker Paul Ryan made his goals for the rest of the 2016 election cycle clear when addressing a group of college Republicans this Friday–to keep the GOP in control of congress and stop the Democrats from “pursuing a government heavy agenda for elites.”

In prepared comments, Ryan expressed his concern over the state of the Democratic party in a rather somber and dark tone, stating that they have set out to impose “a gloom and grayness” over America in their pursuit of a heavy government-involved agenda should Clinton succeed in making it to the White House. “In the America they want, the driving force is the state,” Ryan said. “It is a place where government is taken away from the people, and we are ruled by our betters, by a cold and unfeeling bureaucracy that replaces original thinking.”

Ryan has been in the spotlight recently after privately disclosing to his GOP colleagues that he would no longer defend or campaign for Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump. During the remarks, Ryan refused to address Trump by name, instead focusing more on the issues he sees with the Democratic campaign, stating that the ideology of “liberal progressivism” is a dangerous one. Ryan has made it clear that his goal until the Nov. 8 elections is to campaign and keep control of the chamber, shying away from the conflicts surrounding Mr. Trump and his recent press scandals.