Trump faces more groping allegations

By Emma Sinn 10/14/16
More women have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them following the 2005 Access Hollywood video with Billy Bush.
Two women, Jessica Leeds and Rachel Crooks, told The New York Times that Trump had groped them without their permission. A writer for PEOPLE magazine also came out with her story regarding Trump’s harassment. There are more possible allegations against Trump but none, including these three recent allegations, have been confirmed.
Leeds claimed that Trump grabbed her breast and put his hand up her skirt. Crooks told The New York Times that Trump kissed her check and then her mouth without her consent. The PEOPLE magazine writer, Natasha Stoynoff, reported “he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat.”
Trump denies all of these allegations. In response to the PEOPLE magazine writer, he states: “Look at her and look at her words. I don’t think so.” In response to the other allegations, Trump turned to attack the media claiming that the media fabricated these stories.
In the Presidential Debate last Sunday, CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked did he ever “kiss women without consent or grope women without consent.” Trump replied firmly with “no, I have not,” and stays by his claims.