Clinton comes out as victor in debates, according to CNN/ORC poll

By Gennaro Ilaria 10/21/16

With Election Day right around the corner, a new CNN/ORC poll shows that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton defeated Republican Donald Trump in the third presidential debate, sweeping him of all three.
Of the voters polled, 52% thought Clinton was victorious, opposed to the 39% in favor of Trump. The result from the first debate had Clinton at 62% and Trump with 27%. Followed by 57% for Clinton to 34% for Trump in the town hall debate held Oct. 9.
The tone of the debate was set early as both candidates refused to greet each other when heading to their podiums. Although many felt that Trump was more poised and prepared for this debate, they still felt that Clinton far surpassed him. His comment calling her a “nasty woman” after she mentioned his tax dodging caught a lot of heat. This rope and dope technique from Clinton was present all night as Trump couldn’t help but shout out his comebacks. “She finally figured out the right calibration of ignoring and engaging Trump,” said Washington Post blog writer Chris Cillizza.
More criticism towards Trump came after he was questioned on his belief in the “rigged” election system. Trump said that come November, if the results aren’t to his liking then he would not accept them. “I will look at it at the time,” Mr. Trump said. “I will keep you in suspense.” This didn’t sit right with many, and Clinton herself called it “horrifying.”