Presidential running mates react to FBI Clinton investigation

By Paige McGlauflin 10/31/16
The Vice Presidential candidates of both major political parties are reacting to FBI Director James Comey’s decision to look at newly discovered emails that could possibly be related to the investigation of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

The announcement came as a surprise to both parties, since the FBI announced in July that it would be closing the investigation on Clinton, after finding she committed no crimes by using a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State.

The Bureau is now opening up the investigation again, after examining a laptop used by former Rep. Anthony Weiner of New York, accused of sending sexually explicit messages to an underage girl, and finding emails send or received by Weiner’s estranged wife Huma Abedin, a top aide on Clinton’s campaign.

Republican Vice Presidential candidate Mike Pence called Comey’s announcement an “example of real leadership,” and said that Clinton should released all her emails to the FBI not previously turned over.

“It was just incomprehensible this summer, when the director of the FBI came out and he literally indicted Hillary Clinton in the press and then said we’re not recommending that she be indicted,” Pence told Fox News Sunday.

Democratic running-mate Tim Kaine said that because the announcement came “close to an election, which is in violation of normal Justice Department protocol. And it involves talking about an ongoing investigation, which also violates the protocol.”

“Director Comey knows nothing about the content of these emails. We don’t know whether they’re to or from Hillary at all,” Kaine told ABC’s This Week.

While the Clinton email scandal remains under investigation, Republican candidate Donald Trump faces two court dates, one later in November for the Trump University fraud suit, and another in mid-December for a civil suit following rape allegations from 1994.