Trump and Ryan meet for the first time since win

By Philip J. Noble

Paul Ryan and President-elect Donald Trump met Thursday, each saying they had put their aside their differences from the campaign trail.

Ryan and Trump held a meeting Thursday, where they laid out plans for Trump’s presidency, along with Vice President-elect Mike Pence and future First Lady, Melania Trump.

Ryan described the meeting as “fantastic and productive,” saying that he and Trump were prepared to implement a host of new policies and “make America great again.”

The meeting is a marked shift in the tone of Trump and Ryan’s relationship, which had been cold at best since Ryan said he would not defend Trump after he was heard graphically describing sexually assaulting women on a leaked tape from 2005.

Ryan never officially rescinded his endorsement of Trump for the presidency, he did openly decide to focus on ensuring the continuation of the Republican majority in congress rather than campaign specifically for his party’s nominee.

Speaker Ryan had caught some flak from fellow Republicans following that decision, with some of the more conservative members of congress discussing the option of replacing Ryan as Speaker of the House. With both Ryan and Trump describing the meeting as productive, Ryan has said that he is not worried about being voted out and that “we’re excited about going forward and executing an agenda so that the Democrats are the ones who are in turmoil.”