Democrats search for a leader

By Emma Sinn 11/11/16
Democrats are looking for a leader following Hillary Clinton’s surprising loss and President Barack Obama preparing to transfer control of the country. Democrats not only lost the presidential election, but also do not have the majority in neither the House of Representatives nor the Senate.
Clinton’s loss brings into question if she really connected with union households. These people have been key components of past Democratic wins. Clinton had 8 percent less support of union households than Obama had in 2008. She also won the lowest share of any Democrat since 1980, CNN stated.
Trump had had bold policies that he ran on. Many of these he won’t be able to follow through with and even some of his supporters saw that. The high hopes Trump had attracted many people, according to CNN.
Jeff Weaver, a campaign manager for Sen. Bernie Sanders, said, “It’s time for the progressive wing to reassert themselves and offer a bold agenda to the American people.”
This change that Weaver states the Democratic party needs will come with new leadership. Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will play leadership roles in the party, but there is much disagreement with policies.
Democrats are also currently looking for the next party chair; the election of which, will happen next year. The former chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz stepped down following the WikiLeaks release of emails that showed Democratic officials helped Clinton get the nomination. Sanders has given his support to Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison in search of a new chair.
One key point a former DNC Chairman Howard Dean said was, “The Dems need organization and focus on the young.” The Democratic party hopes to capture the support that Obama captured in his election to win future elections, both presidential and for Congress.