Rubio, Kaine Aim to Curb Anti-Semitism In Europe

By Philip J. Noble 11/21/16

U.S. Senators Tim Kaine and Marco Rubio have crossed the political aisle to introduce a bill that aims to combat growing anti-semitism, both at home and abroad.

The bill requires enhanced reporting to Congress of anti-semitic incidents in the State Department’s yearly report to congress, and calls on the State Department to work more closely with European powers to identify and attempt to curb anti-semitic incidents in Europe.

Rubio said, in a statement on the bill, “America must prioritize working with European governments to combat this insidious global phenomenon.”

Sen. Kaine issued a similar statement, saying “I am alarmed by the steady increase in anti-semitism we’re witnessing in America and Europe. We must be vigilant in reporting any incidents of anti-semitism to ensure the safety, security and inalienable rights of Jewish communities.”

The legislation comes amid an atmosphere of heightened ethnic tensions, with thousands of Jews leaving countries such as France for Israel, due to increasing anti-semitic attacks and the influx of Middle-Eastern refugees.

Tensions in America have also risen, with some supporters of Donald Trump and members of the alt-right openly using anti-semitic language and calling for the U.S. to become a White, Christian centric nation.