Warren Backs Marty Walsh in Upcoming Mayoral Election

Warren Elizabeth
By Kayla LaRosa 10/16/17
U.S.Sen. Elizabeth Warren is backing Mayor Marty Walsh in his upcoming race for re-election. The Massachusetts senator attended a campaign event for Walsh Sunday afternoon at Doyle’s Pub, a popular local spot in the neighborhood of Jamaica Plain.
Warren’s endorsement of Walsh, who is seeking a second term in office, could be a huge blow to City Councilman Tito Jackson, who is challenging Walsh in the upcoming Mayoral election Nov. 7.
Walsh captured 63 percent of the vote in the September preliminary, compared to Jackson’s 29.
In addition to publicly supporting Walsh in the mayoral race, Warren also campaigned for Paul Feeney, a Democratic State Senate candidate running in the Bristol & Norfolk district.
Warren, the Democrat from Massachusetts, is up for re-election next year.