Mayor Walsh Endorses Capuano

By Allison Payne 4/23/2018
Mayor Marty Walsh endorsed US Representative Michael Capuano in his Democratic primary fight against City Councilor Ayanna Pressley. Mayor Walsh made it official on Sunday in Dorchester where he emphasized Capuano’s 20 years experience in Congress.
For months Mayor Walsh has signaled his intention to endorse the Somerville Democrat. He also publicly praised Capuano soon after Pressley launched her congressional campaign.
“One thing about Mike is, he’s been the constant voice in fighting for the labor movement and people of color,” Walsh said to the Boston Globe. “I look at what is the right thing for the city of Boston and the right thing for what’s happening right now. Something has to be said about experience.”
The race between Capuano and Pressley has created an interesting matchup in the state’s only district where the majority of residents are minorities. The district includes close to 70 percent of the city of Boston, including parts of Cambridge and Milton, and all of Chelsea, Everett, Randolph, and Somerville.
Mayor Walsh said he believes Capuano can deliver more for the Seventh District than Pressley, if she were elected.
Should the Democrats take back the House majority in this midterm election, Capuano would be in line to chair influential subcommittees that could put Boston and Massachusetts in a better position to get funding for more projects, says Mayor Walsh.
Mayor Walsh and Capuano appeared together in Uphams Corner Sunday afternoon to announce the Mayor’s endorsement and to greet volunteers for a signature drive.