Johnson & Johnson is Shown to be More Durable than Other Vaccines

By Eva Windler
Oct, 15, 2021– Dr. Dan Barouch and the virology center at Beth Israel recently found Johnson & Johnson vaccines to be more durable than other shots. According to this study, Pfizer and Moderna both waned over time, while Johnson & Johnson remained effective months later.
Previous studies show antibodies responses from Pfizer and Moderna are at their peak just after the shot is administered, and then begin to decline about six months later. The researchers found the decline continued after eight months. However, Johnson & Johnson’s one-shot vaccine produced a much lower initial antibody response; it remained “relatively stable” for the eight months observed, with “minimal-to-no evidence of decline,” according to the study.
Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J reach similar levels of effectiveness. A study in New York earlier this month showed that Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson had 69, 78, and 70 percent effectiveness in August respectively.
While Pfizer and Moderna are asking for boosters to be administered to stop the decline, J&J is requesting booster shots to be administered to make their shots even more effective. The booster shot for J&J was approved to be administered after two months by the FDA Oct 15.