Massachusetts Supermarket Rush Before Impending Winter Storm

Photo courtesy of MGN
By Hannah Rose Shemtov
Residents and officials across the Northeast and mid-Atlantic regions of the U.S. were bracing for a powerful winter storm expected to produce blizzard conditions tonight and Saturday.
Heavy snow and strong winds were forecasted to begin in Boston on this evening, according to the National Weather Service. The anticipation for the potential blizzard in Boston leads many Boston residents to storm the supermarkets. Locals have experience preparing for brutal winters, but some are stocking up more than necessary.
Residents believe that the shopping habits from the pandemic induced the intense preparation for the snowstorm. The uncertain length of time stuck at home due to weather conditions is reminiscent of quarantine panic.
The customers at Stop and Shop on South Bay in Dorchester express their frustration as people fill their carts with any available item before giving others the chance to purchase their essential materials. The barren shelves and long lines demonstrate the worsening impact of demand exceeding supply.
On Thursday, the items said to be low on stock include pet food, meat, dairy, eggs, and bread. Even though the intensity of the blizzard remains undetermined, shoppers communicate a “safer-than-sorry” mentality, avoiding waiting until the last minute.