“Re-Introducing America to the Best of Itself;” Third-Party Presidential Candidate Dr. Cornel West Runs on Morale Based Platform
By Payton Cavanaugh
“When I looked around and saw the various candidates running, it was clear that none of them represented the traditional legacy that I’m a part of,” said Dr. Cornel West, professor at Harvard University, American philosopher, political activist, social critic, and now– candidate for President of the United States.
“I could support Bernie in 2016-2020 when he was running, and we didn’t agree on everything, but we agreed on enough. This time around, Biden and Trump that’s it? World War three with Biden and Civil War two with Trump. That’s the choices, between civil war and world war? That’s all? And we wonder why people are frustrated and desperate and apathetic,” said Dr. West.
West is no stranger to the U.S. political sphere, spending a lifetime fighting for justice and equality and over four decades in the public light, he is constantly challenging the barrier between government and the people.
“For me democracy is not a matter of just the experts telling people X and Y, it’s a matter of acknowledging we’re all on the same human level,” said West. “Part of the problem these days is that most politicians are either tied to big money and therefore paid off and don’t really want to speak certain truths, they just don’t have the courage to do it.”
West is an avid supporter of bringing the needs of the people to the forefront of the conversation. Currently, he is calling on others to join him in solidarity with those in Palestine for a march on the National Mall.
“One of the goals of any politician ought to be, not just winning the next election, but being a caretaker of the moral character of the best of the nation,” said West.
West is running on many policy pillars, though his platform has an overall message of truth and justice. He spoke to the importance of bringing all forms of power into the conversation when addressing the current political landscape of the U.S.
“Power certainly is fundamental and crucial in talking about politics, but if all you’re talking about is economic and military power and you’re not talking about moral and spiritual power, then you’re going to slide down a slippery slope to facism, and that’s where we’re headed, if we don’t fight against it. That’s what this movement is about. Moment in a movement,” said West.
The full interview with Dr. West can be found at this link, on WEBN-TV Boston’s Youtube Channel.