100 life-sized elephant statues are coming to Rhode Island this summer

By Meghan Boucher
Green spaces in Newport, Rhode Island will become the temporary home of 100 elephant statues, starting in July. The statues are a part of the traveling art exhibit titled “The Great Elephant Migration.” Newport will be the first of six stops for the exhibition.

Photo courtesy of Pixaby
Elephant Family USA, a non profit organization that works to protect Asian wildlife, is putting on the exhibit.
Project manager, James Reimer wrote in a recent project proposal, “The exhibition aims to spark important conversations about our overpopulated planet, the impact of human encroachment on wild spaces, and the inspiring ways we can coexist with all other living beings that share the planet with humankind.”
Each elephant statue is crafted by the Coexistence Collective, which consists of more than 200 indigenous Indian artisans from various tribes. The Collective created the statues out of dried Lantana Camara, one of the world’s top invasive weeds, in order to further promote their dedication to coexistence between humans and the natural world.
The elephants will be on display from July 1 to Sept. 6 and will travel to Manhattan, New York; Miami Beach, Florida; Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming; and Los Angeles, California, after their stay in Newport.