Biden campaign to spend $50 million on advertising throughout the month of June, specifically targeting Trump’s felony convictions

The Biden Harris campaign logo.
Photo courtesy of MGN.

The President’s investments in television marketing aims to make Trump’s recent legal battles a household topic going into the upcoming Presidential Debate.

By Meghan O’Brien

In the latest updates for his reelection campaign, President Joe Biden intends to spend $50 million in television marketing for the month of June. The ad campaign will focus on former President Donald Trump’s legal battles in an effort to turn the Republican candidate’s voters against him in the final months leading up to Election Day.

Trump, who was convicted on 34 felony counts in his New York hush money trial, has since denied any wrongdoings on his end, supporting the claim that Biden had “weaponized the justice system against him,” according to Trump campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt.

Biden’s first ad surrounding the hush money trial aired on June 15, highlighted not only the convictions but also mentioned more of Trump’s legal issues that were brought forth during the trial, such as financial fraud and sexual assault.

By also including a reaffirmation of his own policies, the Biden campaign intends to maintain the support of Democratic and Independent voters who supported him in the 2020 election. In addition to this new campaign, $1 million will also be spent for marketing these advertisements towards Black, Asian American, and Hispanic voters.

This ad, along with future advertising from the Biden campaign, will air on general television markets as well as on streaming services and cable television, with more prominence in swing states. 

The unveiling of this advertising campaign comes weeks before both President Biden and Trump go face-to-face in one of two presidential debates leading up to Election Day. The first of these debates will take place in Atlanta on June 27.