Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah killed in Israeli airstrike

By Birdi Diehl
Lebanon’s Hezbollah confirmed today that its leader, Hassan Nasrallah, was killed in an Israeli airstrike this Friday.
Nasrallah led Hezbollah for more than 30 years and is considered the most powerful target killed by Israel in weeks. The Israeli military said the airstrike on Friday was done while Hezbollah leadership met in their headquarters in Dahiyeh.
In a statement today, Hezbollah has promised to “continue the holy war against the enemy and in support of Palestine” and that Nasrallah “has joined his fellow martyrs.”
The Lebanese Health Ministry said six people were killed and 91 were injured in the airstrikes on Friday in Beirut. Six apartment buildings were destroyed. Along with Nasrallah, Ali Karki, the commander of Hezbollah’s Southern Front, was also killed according to the Israeli military.
Palestinian militant group Hamas issued a statement to Hezbollah with condolences.
“History has proven that the resistance… whenever its leaders dies as martyrs, will be succeeded on the same path by a generation of leaders who are more valiant, stronger, and more determined to continue the confrontation,” stated Hamas.
The statement also added that “assassinations will only increase the resistance in Lebanon and Palestine in determination and resolve.”
Approximately 720 people died in Lebanon over the past week from Israeli airstrikes, according to the Health Ministry.