Nibi the beaver to stay at the Newhouse Wildlife Rescue center, says Healey

By Andriani Maria Lamprinou
Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey decided that Nibi the two-year-old beaver would remain at the Newhouse Wildlife Resuce Center this Thursday.
Nibi’s case had made it to the courts prior to Healey’s decision, since the governmental organization MassWildlife wanted Nibi to be released back in the wild. On the other hand, her rescuers from the Newhouse Wildlife Rescue Center objected to this decision after witnessing failed attempts of pairing Nibi with other members of her species.
Healey put an end to this dilemma by announcing her decision of allowing Nibi to remain in the center. The decision made her rescuers “beyond grateful,” according to
Nibi first came to the rescue center two years ago when she was found abandoned at the side of a busy road in Sturbridge, Mass.. Even though the original goal was to rehabilitate her to the wild, the attempts of reintroducing her to other beavers proved futile, according to Jane Newhouse, president and founder of the Newhouse Center.
Since Nibi will now remain at the rescue center, she will serve as an educational animal, teaching people to love and care for wildlife, and how to protect beavers.