Three people charged in connection to Liam Payne’s death

By Andriani Maria Lamprinou
In Argentina, prosecutors have charged three people connected to the death of Liam Payne, former One Direction singer, according to information provided by officials on Thursday.
Payne’s sudden death occurred on October 16 after a fall from his balcony on the third floor of the hotel Casa Sur Palermo in Buenos Aires.
Two suspects, one an employee at the hotel, have been charged with supplying drugs such as cocaine to Payne, according to CBS News.
According to a news release by Argentina’s National Criminal and Correctional Prosecutor’s Office on Thursday, one of the suspects was charged with leaving a person after death, something which can lead to the imprisonment of a person from five to 15 years. The suspect spent ample time with the former singer during his stay at the hotel, according to authorities.
The three suspects, not identified by name, know their charges and are forbidden from leaving the country, said the prosecutor’s office.
It was not previously confirmed whether Payne had died jumping off from his third floor balcony or falling from it. However, given the news release, his death is determined to have happened because of a fall, not due to an intentional attempt to take his own life. The prosecutor’s office, according to CBS News, also pointed out how Payne probably wasn’t fully conscious during the time of the fall.
In order for more evidence to be gathered and pinpoint the exact reasons behind Payne’s death, an investigation concerning his final hours is being conducted and consisted of house searches, and interviews with hotel employees, Payne’s relatives and friends, experts in medicine, biochemistry, and psychiatry. In addition, investigators directed a forensic analysis on his cell phone and looked at more than 800 hours of video footage from the hotel and public roads.
An autopsy of Payne’s body was done as well. Toxicology tests performed show that Payne “only had traces” of drugs in his system, as well as trace amounts of alcohol and a prescription antidepressant. According to medical experts, Payne only sustained injuries from his fall, no other external factors.
After the autopsy, his body was returned to his father, Geoff Payne, who was present in Argentina since the news of his son’s death.
The information gathered by the investigators was put into a 180 page long report and given to Judge Laura Bruniard. The investigation remains ongoing at this time.