Goodell Opens Super Bowl Week With Press Conference; Pinned With Hard-Hitting Questions

Acquired Through MGN Online on 05/23/2018

By Nick Antonakas, WEBN Correspondent


The Super Bowl serves as a distraction from real-world problems like no other. Sports provide an escape for millions of people around the world, and one of the biggest sporting events in the Super Bowl exemplifies that to a tee.


NFL commissioner Roger Goodell was not included with those who escape issues through sport.


Goodell opened Super Bowl Media Week addressing reporters in an opening press conference Monday afternoon. He was not given a break in addressing recent league events and implications of real-world issues. One question Goodell was faced with surrounded the theory that the Kansas City Chiefs – who will be battling for their third-straight Lombardi trophy on Sunday – receive favoritism from officials.


“It’s a ridiculous theory for anyone who might take it seriously,” Goodell said. “I think the men and women who officiate in the NFL are outstanding.”


This backlash comes after a season in which many thought the Chiefs were bought out of many of their close games with a shaky call. Goodell credits that to the competitiveness of the league. Goodell hit on political issues as well, including President Donald Trump’s recent bashing of DEI policies. 


“We got into diversity efforts because we felt it was the right thing for the National Football League,” Goodell explained. “We’re going to continue those efforts because it…does make the NFL better.”

The NFL has implemented the Rooney rule to focus more on diversity in searching for job candidates across the league. Goodell backed the NFL’s stance, saying there is no requirement for a candidate of color to be hired due to the rule, and rather that it just gives them a chance to be looked at. 


To think such hard-hitting questions arose on Goodell’s first appearance at Super Bowl week may mean there is much more ahead before the Super Bowl kicks off on Sunday, Feb. 9.