Amy Klobuchar Takes Early Lead in New Hampshire Midnight Vote

By Joshua Foster

Sen. Amy Klobuchar took an early lead when the New Hampshire primary kicked off Tuesday morning with the state’s traditional midnight vote. 

The midnight vote resulted in eight votes for Klobuchar, four votes for Warren, four votes for Sanders, three votes for Andrew Yang, two votes for Joe Biden, two votes for Buttigieg, two votes for Bloomberg, one vote for Gabbard, and one vote for Steyer.

Three small townships take part in the tradition, Dixville Notch, Millsfield, and Hart’s Location. Although the midnight vote gives candidates brief bragging rights, according to political analyst Nate Silver, the vote has little predictive power.

Silver told NPR, “In a word: No, there’s no historical relationship between the performances of the two major-party candidates in Dixville Notch and their performances in the rest of New Hampshire — never mind the rest of the country.”

It remains to be seen whether Klobuchar will keep her early lead.