Super Bowl XLVI

The Coughlin Super Bowl Way

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By Garrett Turner
Tom Coughlin has the definition for winning. Today, the New York Giants head coach described his winning mantra.

Rob Gronkowski Injury Update

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By Elizabeth Montaquila
Rob Gronkowski is looking good. This morning at the JW Marriott in Indianapolis, Patriots head coach Bill Belichick said that Gronkowski is doing better than expected following his limited practice yesterday

Three Point Clutch

By Garrett Turner
Clutch is the difference between love and hate. That’s what NFL field goal kickers experience late in the fourth quarter with the game on the line.

Giants are a Band of Brothers

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By Patrick Welter
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. For the New York Giants, that adversity started early.

Gronkowski Practices, Not Sure About Super Bowl

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By Patrick Welter
Rob Gronkowski is back. The Patriots tight end practiced for the first time since injuring his ankle in the AFC championship game against the Baltimore Ravens.

Giants Couglin Embraces Change

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By Garrett Turner
Tom Coughlin has changed a lot over the years. The Giants coach has developed a reputation of being a strict disciplinarian and not a “players” coach