President Trump’s pick for Veterans Affairs Secretary withdraws Nomination
By Stanley Chu
Ronny Jackson has withdrawn his nomination as Secretary of Veterans Affairs after allegations about his professional conduct.
By Stanley Chu
Ronny Jackson has withdrawn his nomination as Secretary of Veterans Affairs after allegations about his professional conduct.
By Elizabeth Perkin
James Shawn Jr. is being called a hero after fighting the shooter for his machine gun, until he got the weapon and threw it over the counter. Shawn rejects the title of hero saying he did it selfishly in attempt to save himself.
By Yiming Zhao
The shortage of lobsters sent the price soaring in the last few months.
By Isabel Indresano
After failing to win the nomination of the Utah Republican Party Romney will have to compete in a primary this June.
By Stanley Chu
President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, withdraws defamation lawsuits against Buzzfeed and Fusion GPS.
By David Davidi
The Pulitzer prize winners were announced for 2017. Notable winners included The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Kendrick Lamar.
By Abigail Royle
President Trump pardoned Mr. Libby after years of conviction. While some believe the president is righting an injustice, others believe the action is sending a message.
By Justin Pham
A new study shows that bathroom hand dryers are sucking up feces and blowing them back on your hands. The suggested cause of this is due to the flushing of toilets with the lid left up.
By Belen Dumont
Founder of the Boston Symphony Orchestra Tanglewood Festival Chorus John Oliver died at the age of 78 on Wednesday.
By Chloe Teboe
President Trump has signed an order that affects people closer to home by changing welfare requirements. This comes amid the crisis in Syria and growing tension with Russia.